Exploring perspective per, inter-group & inter-personal dynamics

Hello World!

Now, that wasn’t so difficult was it, Simon?

Get those thoughts out of your head by writing a few words, think up a catchy title, and there you have it: A blog post!

Now don’t go waiting an entire year for the next one, eh?

From the Guardian: Jason Russell: Kony2012 and the fight for truth

So much to discuss and learn from this article, but this quote sums up the dilemmas of social media:

“The democratisation of information is both liberating and beautiful and also totally horrifying because it can be built on lies and there’s nothing you can do to stop them. … It wasn’t that there was a plurality of stories out there. There was a multiverse of stories out there. There were so many stories, so many rumours, so many repeated untruths, so many unchecked facts and retweeted opinions, and half-baked half-lies, that the story, let alone the truth, never had a chance. In the brave new world of viral media, and socially mediated information, authoritative news sources are just another voice fighting to be heard.


Circle of Tears

Tears had already been shed on this beautiful Sunday morning, when sharing in the grief of losing our neighbor, Mary, 89, who had passed away in the early hours.

So we weren’t exactly far from more tears most of the day as the time drew near to take our friends and neighbors, K~ and A~, to the airport.

At the terminal we hugged and cried and expressed our love for each other once more, and said goodbye.

Sitting there at the bar, contemplating, my tears fell again.

Then I noticed our daughter M~, 5, looking at me. I don’t think she’d ever see me cry before. And I don’t think I’d ever seen such a heartbreaking look of sadness on her face as she felt my sadness.

So there we went, in this circle of tears, and the most comforting embrace you could possibly imagine.